fagus.utils module

This module contains classes and functions used across the Fagus-library that didn’t fit in another module

class fagus.utils.FagusOption(name: str, default: ~typing.Any, type_: type = <class 'typing._SpecialForm'>, verify_function: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Any], bool] = <function FagusOption.<lambda>>, verify_error_msg: ~typing.Optional[str] = None)

Bases: object

Helper class to facilitate Fagus options.

__init__(name: str, default: ~typing.Any, type_: type = <class 'typing._SpecialForm'>, verify_function: ~typing.Callable[[~typing.Any], bool] = <function FagusOption.<lambda>>, verify_error_msg: ~typing.Optional[str] = None) None

Initializes FagusOption with the given parameters

  • name (str) – The name of the option.

  • default (Any) – The default value for the option if it hasn’t been set explicitly at class- or instance level or in the function.

  • type_ (type) – The expected type for the input to the option. Defaults to Any. In case the provided input to the option doesn’t have the type indicated here, an error-message is thrown.

  • verify_function (Callable[[Any], bool]) – A function to verify the input value to the option. Returns a bool whether the input was valid or not. An error is thrown if the input isn’t valid with the error message defined in verify_error_message. Defaults to lambda x: True, meaning that any input is valid

  • verify_error_msg (Optional[str]) – An error message to display when the verify_function returns False. Defaults to f”{value} is not a valid value for {self.name}”



verify(value: Any) Any

Verifies if the input value to the option has the correct type and passes the validation function.


value (Any) – The option input value to be verified.

  • TypeError – If the input value is not of the expected type.

  • ValueError – If the input value does not pass the custom validation function.


The input value if it meets the requirements.

Return type:


__annotations__ = {}
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'fagus.utils', '__doc__': 'Helper class to facilitate Fagus options.', '__init__': <function FagusOption.__init__>, 'verify': <function FagusOption.verify>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'FagusOption' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'FagusOption' objects>, '__annotations__': {}})
__module__ = 'fagus.utils'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)


TypeAlias to represent type(…), which cannot be done in a nicer way prior to Python 3.10


TypeAlias for FagusOption requiring a str. Specify custom value as str, or keep … to use FagusOption default.

alias of Union[str, ellipsis]


TypeAlias for FagusOption requiring a bool. Specify custom value as bool, or keep … to use FagusOption default.

alias of Union[bool, ellipsis]


TypeAlias for FagusOption requiring an int. Specify custom value as int, or keep … to use FagusOption default.

alias of Union[int, ellipsis]

fagus.utils.OptAny: TypeAlias = typing.Any

TypeAlias for FagusOption taking any object. Specify custom value, or keep … to use FagusOption default.